Η Epygi είναι πολύ μπροστά, απο όλους, στην κατασκευή VoIP PBX.

Δημιουργήθηκε το 2000 στο Plano του Texas και πήρε το όνομά της απο την ελληνική λέξη “Απόγειο” ειπωμένη βέβαια κάπως παράταιρα για Ελληνική αλλά ταιριαστή για την προφορά του ιδρυτή, που ήθελε να ενσωματώσει στο όνομα το όραμά του για την τεχνολογική υπεροχή της εταιρείας του.

Η Epygi εστίασε αρχικά  το ενδιαφέρον της στην εξυπηρέτηση αυτών των εταιρειών που ήθελαν οικονομική αλλά πολύ προχωρημένη τεχνολογία την οποία είχαν μόνο οι πολύ μεγάλες και πλούσιες επιχειρήσεις.  Η τακτική αυτή επιβραβεύτηκε με πολλές διεθνείς διακρίσεις και βραβεύσεις και με την εξαιρετική πορεία της εταιρείας σε αυτήν την εποχή που οι μεγαλοι κατασκευαστές εγκαταλείπουν τον τομέα.

Όλες οι δραστηριότητες της  Epygi βρίσκονται στο Texas εκτός απο το R&D που βρίσκεται στο Yerevan στην Αρμενία. Η Epygi συνεχίζει να προσφέρει  επαγγελματικής χρήσης κορυφαία προϊοντα σε οικονομικές τιμές σε όσους θέλουν πρωτοποριακή τεχνολογία ανεξάρτητα αν απασχολούν 1 ή 2000 άτομα

Τηλεφωνικά Κέντρα και Gateways




Το Quadro είναι ένα αυτοτελές πλήρες και υπερσύγχρονο τηλεφωνικό κέντρο Αμερικανικής κατασκευής με λειτουργικό Linux, που λειτουργεί ταυτόχρονα με VoIP και PSTN ή ISDN, χωρίς να απαιτούνται ειδικές κάρτες.

Δηλαδή το Quadro επικοινωνεί με τον «έξω κόσμο» μέσω ADSL για κλήσεις VoIP και μέσω απλών αναλογικών ή ISDN γραμμών για συμβατικές κλήσεις. Εσωτερικά, μπορεί να δεχθεί τηλέφωνα Sip καθώς και αναλογικά και υπάρχουν μικρά και μεγάλα μοντέλλα για κάθε ανάγκη.

Με το Quadro, μπορούν να συνδεθούν δύο ή περισσότερες τοποθεσίες για δωρεάν τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία μεταξύ τους, να γίνουν άμεσα τηλεφωνικές κλήσεις VoIP προς άλλα τηλέφωνα SIP ή να χρησιμοποιηθούν πάροχοι VoIP για ασήμαντο κόστος κλήσεων. Παράλληλα, θα μπορούν να γίνονται συμβατικές κλήσεις όπως πριν.

To Quadro διαθέτει υποδοχές RJ-11 για να τερματίσουν τα εσωτερικά αναλογικά και, σε άλλο σημείο, υποδοχές RJ-45 για να εισέλθουν οι γραμμές ISDN ή αν ο χρήστης δεν έχει ISDN αλλά απλές αναλογικές γραμμές, έχει εκεί υποδοχές RJ-11. Επίσης έχει ακόμα μία υποδοχή RJ-45 για το LAN όπου τερματίζει το εσωτερικό δίκτυο και ακόμα μία για το WAN, όπου εισέρχεται η ADSL.

Call Volume
Total IP
48 16 48 4
50 16 48 2 2
202 64 200 2 4
2,000 300 2,000

QX Gateways

With built-in auto-configuration, firewall and secure VPN support, the QX Gateways are designed for a more user-friendly experience. Epygi’s QX Gateways are SIP-compliant, and can be utilized to include additional FXO, ISDN, FXS, T1 or E1 ports to any of Epygi’s or other manufacturer’s IP PBXs. Integrating an Epygi QX Gateway with any QX IP PBX allows for the Gateway to be managed through the IP PBX’s GUI.

In regards to total cost of ownership, Epygi’s QX Gateways consume minimal electricity ultimately reducing a company’s electricity bill. The average annual electricity bill for a typical PC roughly totals $192.72. On the other hand, an Epygi QX Gateway consumes anywhere from 3.20 Euro to 25.54 worth of electricity depending on the unit.

The following comparison matrix will help you better decide which product will work best for your company’s needs. Please select a product below for more details.

Call Volume
QXFX04 Gateway
4 4
QXISDN4 Gateway
8 4
QXE1T1 Gateway
30 1
QXFXS24 Gateway
24 24




Ενα ενδιαφέρον άρθρο:

Hosted vs. Epygi’s On-Premise IP PBX Solutions

Helping your business choose what is best for their needs.

We know that you have many options when seeking to change your business’ existing phone system, or maybe you are purchasing a system for the first time. The most critical decision you must make first is whether to purchase a PBX hosted externally by an outsourced service provider or an on-premise IP PBX system under your full control, managed either internally or by your Integrator. The next most important decision you will make is which PBX system to purchase and how to integrate the new system into your existing organization’s IT and business practices. As an IP PBX and Gateway manufacturer, not only do we hope you choose our systems for your business’s needs, but we want you to know why our products are superior to a hosted server.

Hosted IP PBX

  • Con: Higher ongoing service provider costs
  • Con: Dependent on broadband link. If a link is down, you cannot make calls
  • Con: It is difficult to change your hosted provider if you are dissatisfied
  • Con: Your provider may be slow to make even small changes
  • Con: May lack flexible customization with limited feature set availability
  • Con: Your service provider has the actual control – you don’t
  • Con: Slowness to adapt and reluctance to adapt for a single customer
  • Con: Low reliability of service

Epygi On-Premise IP PBX

  • Pro: Lower ongoing total cost of ownership (TCO) with free software upgrades
  • Pro: No risk of fee increases
  • Pro: Advanced features available
  • Pro: Redundancy (Local PTSN trunks, alternate providers)
  • Pro: You have complete control and flexibility – you can even switch providers for PSTN access or mix-and-match and have the ability to move your service easily if necessary
  • Pro: An easy-to-use solution with local system management gives you a solution that matches your needs better than anything else can
  • Pro: You decide what handsets you want and you can add surveillance equipment as well
  • Pro: You can do what you want with your equipment – the ultimate flexibility
  • Pro: Relocation of your office’s server is made easy with a compact, easy transportable and adaptable Epygi IP PBX
  • Pro: There is no concern of anyone listening to your calls

The most important factors to consider when deciding between a hosted vs. on-premise IP PBX include cost, customization, control, flexibility and user-friendliness.

On-premise systems typically require a larger upfront investment, while hosted services are paid for with more affordable monthly payments; however, it is important that you consider the long term operating costs of your overall cost equation. You must consider the total cost of ownership (TCO) of these systems, in addition to some other key variables, including the lifetime of the equipment as well as the ease-of-use and flexibility of the solution in question. Epygi’s products provide you with a small upfront investment with no recurring software charges, which makes for an extremely low TCO. Epygi’s systems are also highly energy efficient, thus continuing to save your business money.

To ensure voice quality, Epygi’s on-premise IP PBX solutions will prioritize your data traffic. With hosted solutions, voice and data packets will often fight for preference, which leads to deteriorated voice quality. Hosted vendors may offer a Session Border Controller (SBC) device to help improve data quality, but this will considerably add to cost and complexity.

Customization is more attainable with an on-premise Epygi system, as an on-staff IT professional commonly oversees deployment and management, or an Epygi certified Integrator. Epygi’s Call Routing Table is very flexible and provides many features that will assist your business with data management. With hosted systems, customization is often handled by the provider. While vendors may offer some customization at an elevated price, they are often unable to make unique adjustments for every customer.

Control is at the heart of the decision between choosing a hosted or on-premise solution. Some businesses prefer to keep control as much as possible internally. Other businesses want to outsource as much as possible in order to keep internal focus on core business – even if that decision ends up increasing costs at the expense of losing control of their server. Hosting can cause business to halt completely when issues arise because you are at the mercy of an outsourced vendor who has other clients to attend to. Epygi’s on-premise solutions not only provides you control of your own server, but also allows you to fix any issues that may arise, instead of having to wait an extended amount of time for an external server to be attended to and fixed.

Choosing a new phone system solution can be daunting. The simplest approach is to review your companies’ day-to-day business needs and how your phone system is a part of these operations. Record the important aspects and also consider other features that could benefit your business. Include all data when discussing with a hosted or on-premise provider to ensure they can satisfy your needs with their solution offering. We look forward to helping you during this process by providing you with a cost-effective and flexible IP PBX solution, extensive features and unbeatable support.

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